The incubation period ranges from about 3-7 days. Based on whether someone had contacts with Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-2), genital herpes infections have 2 phases, namely:
Phase of infection (lesions) Primary, characterized by:
Phase of infection (lesions) Primary, characterized by:
- Can occur without symptoms (asymptomatic)
- Beginning with a burning sensation, burning and itching on the affected area.
- Then the resulting vesicles (spots) clusters, easily broken, giving rise to injury (similar ulceration) on the surface of skin redness (erythema), and pain.
- Furthermore, to be followed by fever, malaise whole body (malaise) and muscle pain.
- Happened enlarged lymph nodes around the infected area genital herpes.
Second phase of infection (lesions) Recurrent (relapse).
Someone who had primary infection, may experience a recurrence. The recurrence occurred due to various factors and can be triggered by some trigger factors, such as physical or psychological fatigue, alcohol, menstruation and injury after sexual intercourse.
In recurrent infections (recurrent), symptoms and complaints are generally lighter. Preview disease localized to one side of the body (unilateral), shaped vesikuloulseratif (sore spot), which usually can be lost in 5 to 7 days.
Before the show patches of ulceration, preceded by a burning sensation, itching and pain.
Despite the complaints and symptoms are mild, patients should not ignore it. Went to the doctor is a wise step to avoid the possibility of secondary infection with the various effects that we do not want.
In addition to the above second phase, also known as the latent phase, ie the phase in which patients do not experience clinical complaints and symptoms, but in the laboratory examination found HSV in the dorsal ganglion (ganglion on the back of the body).
Someone who had primary infection, may experience a recurrence. The recurrence occurred due to various factors and can be triggered by some trigger factors, such as physical or psychological fatigue, alcohol, menstruation and injury after sexual intercourse.
In recurrent infections (recurrent), symptoms and complaints are generally lighter. Preview disease localized to one side of the body (unilateral), shaped vesikuloulseratif (sore spot), which usually can be lost in 5 to 7 days.
Before the show patches of ulceration, preceded by a burning sensation, itching and pain.
Despite the complaints and symptoms are mild, patients should not ignore it. Went to the doctor is a wise step to avoid the possibility of secondary infection with the various effects that we do not want.
In addition to the above second phase, also known as the latent phase, ie the phase in which patients do not experience clinical complaints and symptoms, but in the laboratory examination found HSV in the dorsal ganglion (ganglion on the back of the body).