Herpes simplex is a viral infection characterized by localized primary lesion, latency and the tendency for recurrence. There are 2 types of virus - the herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2 in general lead to different clinical symptoms, depending on the entry road. Can attack the means of genital or oral mucosa. Primary infection with HSV-1 may be mild with no symptoms, occurred in early childhood.
Approximately 10% of primary infection, emerged as a disease with a diverse spectrum of clinical symptoms, characterized by hot and malaise to 1 week or more, may be accompanied by severe gingivostomatitis followed by a vesicular lesions on the oropharynx, severe keratoconjunctivitis, and accompanied by the emergence of symptoms and complications of chronic eczema-like skin, meningoencephalitis or some fatal infection that occurs in newborns (congenital herpes simplex, ICD-9 771.2, ICD-10 P35.2).
HSV-1 as a cause of about 2% pharyngotonsillitis acute, usually as a primary infection. Reactivation of latent infection usually causes herpes labialis (fever blisters or cold sores) are marked by the emergence of a clear superficial vesicles with erythematous base, usually on the face or lips, peeling and will heal within a few days.
Reactivation is accelerated by various kinds of trauma, fever, changes in psychological or recurrent disease and may also attack other body tissues; this is happening because of the circulating antibodies, and these antibodies rarely rise because of reactivation. Extensive spread of infection and may occur in immunosuppressed people. Can invade the CNS could be caused by primary infection or due to a recrudescence. HSV 1 is the major cause of meningoencephalitis. Can arise symptoms of fever, headache, leukocytosis, brain membrane irritation, drowsiness, confusion, stupor, coma and focal neurological signs, and often associated with one or other temporal region.
These symptoms may be confused with a variety of other intracranial lesions such as brain absespada and TB meningitis. Because antiviral therapy can reduce the mortality rate is high, then the PCR test for herpes virus DNA in CSF or biopsy of brain tissue should be conducted on the suspects to establish a definitive diagnosis.
Genital herpes, usually caused by HSV2 occurs primarily in adults and people with sexually transmitted diseases. The first infection and reinfection occurs with or without symptoms. In women the cervix and vulva. Re-infection usually attacking the vulva, the skin of the perineum, legs and buttocks. In men, lesions appear on the glans penis or preputium region, and in the anus and rectum in people who do anal sex. Other areas affected in addition to the genitals and perineal area, among others, is the mouth, occurs in both sexes, depending on the sexual habits conducted by that person. Infection by HSV-2 more often causes aseptic meningitis and meningoencephalitis radikulitis instead.