HSE Radiological examination
MRI is an examination of selected, able to show pathologic changes are usually bilateral, in the medial temporal lobe and the inferior frontal lobe. The existence of lesions in the temporal lobe is significant HSE in the allegation.
Head CT scans can show changes in the temporal and frontal lobes, but less sensitive than MRI. In a third patient HSE found a normal head CT scan.
Other Examination
EEG showed abnormal focal abnormalities, such as spike and slow-wave or periodic sharp-wave patterns in temporal lobe. EEG is said to be sensitive enough to detect abnormal patterns in the HSE but not specific.Other Examination
Changes in the EEG appear earlier than in MRI. Brain biopsy is the only definitive test for diagnosing HSE. Mortality and morbidity associated with low and said the examination procedure can be used to determine an alternative diagnosis and whether the kinds of diseases can still be treated or not. In a recent study says the same accurate PCR results with brain biopsy in the diagnosis of HSE. MRI is a non-invasive means of checking the potential to make a diagnosis.
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